
What do media say?


About “The Best of Slowman”

The Best of Slowman

The fifteen tracks on this compilation are remarkably good

The fifteen tracks on this compilation are remarkably good – ...a truly rocking guitarist and this CD pounds away like vintage Eric Clapton – This is a man who knows his stuff.

Jamie Hailstone, Blues Matters!, UK

High score!

High score! – The best record I’ve heard in a long time

Kenneth Fogström, Blueswebben, Åland/Finland

Fifteen pearls!

Fifteen pearls! – This record is applicant for my choice to the 'Album of the year'. Both thumbs towards the top!

Ilka Heiser, Rock Times, Germany

Here is a man that will make you remember what rock'n roll should be

Here is a man that will make you remember what rock'n roll should be: rock-infused funk and blues packed with energetic hooks and infectious melodies.

Freddy Celis, Roots Time, Belgium

Real good music, top notch production

Real good music, top notch production, well sung and a beautiful booklet. – High Fun Factor.

Home of Rock, Germany

Above all, it’s the great compositions.

Above all, it’s the great compositions.

Nils Hansson, DN, Sweden

Slowman has a special feeling for toxic bluesrock.

Slowman has a special feeling for toxic bluesrock.

Gert-Ove Fridlund, Hallandsposten, Sweden

Many live in the delusion that Peps Persson and Sven Zetterberg fill the blues quota in Sweden

Many live in the delusion that Peps Persson and Sven Zetterberg fill the blues quota in Sweden. That’s easily rectified. Svante Törngren, Slowman if you wish, is the name of the key; with both soul and melodies he claims his obvious place.

Johan Kronquist,

The Robinson brothers (Black Crowes) are probably jealous

The Robinson brothers (Black Crowes) are probably jealous of Slowmans ability to write strong riffbased bluesrock pieces. On top, the guy’s a good singer!

Anders Carling, TrotsAllt, Sweden

Slowman sparks and sparkles.

Slowman sparks and sparkles.

Göteborgs Fria Tidning, Sweden

To someone who likes bluesrock, this is heaven

To someone who likes bluesrock, this is heaven! 15 real good pieces, outstanding guitar and a steady frontman.

Meadow Music, International

Well, he is back, and how!

Well, he is back, and how! With a bunch of very good songs and with excellent guitar work, throat and accompaniment. – And he knows damn well how to make a strong song.

Blues Magazine, Holland

A real rock artist with sturdy riffs and a steaming band.

A real rock artist with sturdy riffs and a steaming band. – A strong record with tracks that sticks.

Moors Magazine, Holland

Slowman takes courage from the roots swamp

Slowman takes courage from the roots swamp and invades the field of the ballad with class – Undeniable talent!

Roots Highway, Italy

He sure hasn’t forgotten how to sing or play guitar!

He sure hasn’t forgotten how to sing or play guitar! – A splendid production, each of every minute to enjoy., Hungary

About “I'm Back”

I'm Back

Worth the wait

Proves to be worth the wait. – Offers many moments for the air guitar player and furious foot tapper.

Gareth Hayes, Blues Matters

A brilliant second album

Slick, cool and dirty, The Silent years shows Slowman singing with his heart on his sleeve, playing a moody tune creating a great effect – I'm back is a brilliant second album.

Maverick, UK

Standing even more secure

The blues is what feels the most, the dist knob are cranked up a bit more, the edges not too polished and his got his hands deep down in classic, fertile timeless soil. I’d say that he’s standing even more secure with this new album.

Pär Berglund, Meadow Music

Palette with even more nuances

Slowman makes it again!The basic color may be blue, but the palette contains a whole lot of more nuances.

Johan Kronquist, Östgöta-Korrespondenten/

Successful follow-up

Just like on the previous album, he has taken the best of American root music and added a personal touch. ”I'm Back” is a very successful follow-up.

Johan Annertorp,

A truly pleasing album!

Slowman is back where he started, with a collection of eleven thrilling blues songs – Slowman is finally ready to make his name as blues artist! 'I’m Back' is a very enjoyable album, with a couple of different sides and sub-genres, taken form the greater blues genre! A truly pleasing album!

Mr Blue Boogie, BillyBop

He delivers again

Unforgiveable, but it’s forgiven to Slowman that he waited more than 20 years to cherish our lives with his great bluesy tunes and fantastic singing. After the superb debut album ‘The Best Of Slowman’, he delivers again, with top class material. We now all sincerely hope that he’s back... to stay!

Valére Samperman, Rootstime

Not one dull moment!

A highly recommended purchase because of the mix of blues, rock and funk, close to guys like JJ Cale, Mark Knopfler and Peter Green. Slowman easily switches between styles, yet at the same time is a master at whatever he does – Not one dull moment!

Dietrich Gastrock, Home Of Rock

A nice string of pearls

With a wonderful mix of blues soul, country, gospel and rock, the wonderful songs on Slowman's second album ”I'm Back” makes a nice string of pearls.

Magnus Hårdstedt, Eskilstuna-kuriren

About “Hey Jimi”

Hey Jimi

Really catches the soul of Jimi Hendrix

Slowman's interpretation really catches the soul of Jimi Hendrix where it was somewhere between the sixties and the seventies! Hey Jimi – Listen and enjoy in your rock'n roll heaven!

Roger Skoog,

Slowman is a dedicated musician

It is clear that SLOWMAN is a dedicated musician, who gathered a few fellow musicians and recorded this high quality CD. He is quite familiar with Jimi's music as in the past he has done a lot of JIMI HENDRIX covers live on stage.

Strutterzine, Points: 8.0 out of 10

A solid tribute to the guitar king

A solid tribute to the guitar king. – The interaction often works well, especially on tracks like ”Purple Haze”, ”Foxy Lady” and ”Voodoo Child”. Here you find force and heaviness. – Extra fun that the musicians were attracted by Hendrix's bluesier side.

Gert-Ove Fridlund, Hallandsposten, SE

Great expressive guitar playing

They pull the songs a lot more towards rock and blues where they seem to thrive particularly well. Bonuses are Törngrens seductive vocals and especially his great expressive guitar playing. And a special mention to ”Electric Angel” – Very well done!

Ctrl Alt. Country e-zine, BE

The trio feels relaxed

... the trio feels relaxed, unpretentious and keen on playing. These gentlemen make the whole thing their own. – You hear the pal Hendrix, one of the gang, a guy that just went out to buy smokes and will be back in a minute. Unusually unusual.

Henry Lindén, Red Hot Rock Magazine, SE

A risky project

A risky project that I think is successful. – Well done!

Gerrit Vermeij, Muziekvenster, NL

Med utmärkta insatser av fina musiker

Med utmärkta insatser av fina musiker, bränner Slowman & Co av fräscha versioner av tio av Jimis bästa låtar – Hey Jimi är en vinnare från början till slut., UK/US

Simply stunning!

What they conjure you can’t describe, it has to be heard – Simply stunning – and it still sounds just like Slowman. And that goes for every track, even the first track, written by Slowman. Here he manages to make the track sound as if it had been written by a mature, older Hendrix.

Dietrich Gastrock, Home of Rock, DE

A total delight from beginning to end

A total delight from beginning to end – and even challenging tracks like Voodoo Child come across in a new version, without denying the original (and not as clinical in approach as Stevie Ray Vaughan). Red House is if possible, even bluesier than the original

Dietrich Gastrock, Home of Rock, DE

Little Wing lacks nothing to the famous original

Little Wing lacks nothing to the famous original, nor to the no less famous version by Clapton/Derek & The Dominoes – but Slowmans sound is warmer, rougher and somehow more heartfelt.

Dietrich Gastrock, Home of Rock, DE

Here he proves just how strong these songs still are

Here he proves just how strong these songs still are, some forty years after they first left the mind of Jimi Hendrix to end up on vinyl.

Rootstime, BE

Slowman and friends do competent versions

Slowman and friends do competent versions in a more bluesy and rootsy way – It´s pretty hard to turn down solid versions of classics like 'Fire', 'Manic depression', 'Little wing', 'Foxy lady' and 'Voodoo child'.

K. Roth, Melodic Net

About “Happy Boy”

Happy Boy

His best performance ever

It can be stated without any doubt that ‘Happy Boy’, the third record of Swedish singer-songwriter Slowman, is his best performance ever. Contemporary pop and rock songs that can easily face the competition with internationally established artists. If there is still any justice left in this world, Slowman absolutely deserves international recognition.

RootsTime, Belgium

A true gold nugget in the Swedish flow of music

Happy Boy offers of a bunch of great songs, with really good and recognizable lyrics. He has a very special talent, that's for sure. A true gold nugget in the Swedish flow of music that deserves much more attention than it probably will get. – I really fall for the ballads, where Slowman's feeling and voice emphasizes the desolation and sadness of wonderful compositions like 'Nothing to pretend' and 'What do we do now?'

Per Wikner, Obladoo, Sweden

Delivers with fire and conviction

Backed by a tight band and, notably on 'Into Gold', a stirring female gospel choir, Törngren delivers with fire and conviction in his voice while his lyrics make his songs well worth listening to for what they say as much as how they say it. The autobiographical ‘Drowning Stones’, with its express train shuffling rhythm, saloon boogie piano and occasional vocal echoes of Bruce Cockburn, and the inspirational ‘beauty in unexpected places’ themed ‘Where The Roses Grow’ are particularly potent., UK

The single 'Happy Boy' is a surprising and promising foretaste

Slowman, best known for rocking bluesy hits, is now on his third album, and the single 'Happy Boy' is a surprising and promising foretaste. – The electric piano Matts Lundström delivers and the mournful cello Anna Dager provides, create the right atmosphere for this simple, melodic ballad with a heartbreaking guitar.

KEYS & CHORDS, Netherlands (on the single)

Surpasses our wildest expectations!

We already knew the Swede Svante ”Slowman” Törngren as a fantastic singer-songwriter and guitarist, but with his third album he really surpasses our wildest expectations! What a beautiful album he has made!


Happy Boy träffar varmt i höstrusket

Happy Boy träffar varmt i höstrusket. – Rättvis speltid i radiokanalerna skulle utan tvekan innebära en fullträff i musikhjärtat på presumtiva fans som förmodligen inte har en aning om att han existerar.

POPGENI, Sverige

About “En romantisk idiot”

Happy Boy

Both the lyrics and the fine tunes impress

I really think Slowman has found home with this album. Both the lyrics and the fine tunes impress. The neat and skilful guitar playing is there with never taking on any longer solo excursions. Instead, beautiful solos and riffs glitter from time to time.

Pär Dahlerus, Uppsala Nyheter

The lyrics are sometimes pretty ingenious

It is a collection of eleven songs that are easy to take in. The lyrics are sometimes pretty ingenious like ”She always slept on my right side, now she sleeps on the other side of town.“ in On the other side of town. The more I listen to happy love and unhappy divorce the better the album becomes. Svante can really make his guitar sound in very different ways. But here he subordinates himself to the songs in a tasteful way. Slowman's Swedish debut birghtens the Swedish autumn.

Christer B. Jarlås,

En av de bästa albumen i år

Fasiken, det kan nog rent av vara ett av de bästa svenska albumen i år.

Hans Bloom, Dalademokraten about ”En romantisk idiot”.

En av långkörarna på SR Radio Sörmland

Den första singeln ”Kärlekens osynliga hand”, som släpptes 5 april, har varit en av långkörarna på SR Radio Sörmlands topplista Sörmland topp 5.
